We Embrace our Supporters!
We're actively growing. Want to help us out by becoming a supporter? You can donate funds, and we also welcome gifts of your services, venues, and volunteer labor.
The following businesses and individuals have actively supported our efforts to grow Tango in South Central Texas with donations of money, services, and space. We thank you down to the soles of our dance shoes! We could not do it without you.
Two2Tango Shoes has kindly donated some of their stylish and comfortable dance shoes to the Tango cause.
Two2Tango Shoes

Thank you to the following people who have donated funds or services to help us in our cause.
Fil has traveled from Austin to TDJ some of our events, and we very much appreciate his thoughtful tandas and playlists. Great work, Fil!
Fil Cruz, Jr.
Frank is one of the most experienced tangueros in San Antonio, and are lucky that he donates much of his time performing the job of TDJ at our events. We thank you, Frank!
Frank Huddleston
Anne very generously donated seed money that enabled us to begin applying for non-profit status and to cover other start-up costs. She has also pushed around the furniture in her home to offer up a beautiful floor space for milongas and practicas, while serving up some amazing food and wine. Thank you so much, Anne!
Anne Pearson
San Antonio Tanguer@s needs your help!
Please donate your ideas, contacts, time, talent and money to keep us growing.
We need:
Relationships with restaurants or public venues that can offer free dance space weekly, monthly or quarterly for our practicas, milongas, and workshops.
Social media expertise.
DJs – we’ll help you format a Tango collection into tandas for milongas.
Project management for future events and programs.
Grant writing.
We formed in mid-2023 and we don’t have much funding yet. Please drop a $10 or a $20 in the fishbowl at our next practica or milonga. Or you can make a bigger donation by contacting one of our Board members. Your gift is tax deductible now that we have received our 501(c)(3) status.