Subscribe to our Tango Calendars

Would you like for local tango events to show up on your Google Calendar?

We've got you covered! Subscribe to our calendar feed(s) for Austin, San Antonio, and/or special regional events using the steps below.

It's free, and you'll always have the latest event listings right at hand. Calendar subscriptions are always free, and you can cancel by unsubscribing at any time.

How to add tango events to your Google Calendar

Step 1: Add a new calendar

  • Open a web browser window and go to your Google Calendar page.

  • At the left hand side, next to Add a friend’s calendar, click on the plus symbol + .

Step 3: Choose a URL

  • Decide which of our three calendars (below) that you would like to subscribe to. You can subscribe to more than one city's calendar by repeating these steps for each subscription.

Austin Tango Calendar:

San Antonio Tango Calendar:

Special Tango Events Calendar:

Step 2: Choose the URL method

  • In Google's "Add a friend's calendar" dialog, choose From URL.

Step 4: Paste the URL and save

  • In the resulting Google dialog window, type or copy/paste the entire URL for the calendar you are interested in.

  • The URL starts with https and ends in .ics

  • Click Add Calendar.

  • Your chosen city's events should now show up in your Google Calendar.

Optional: Change Google notification settings

  1. Open a web browser window and go to your Google Calendar page.

  2. Go to Settings > Notifications for selected events, or for the entire calendar.

  3. Choose your desired settings.

To unsubscribe at any time:

  1. Open a web browser window and go to your Google Calendar page.

  2. Follow the steps on Google's help page.